When I opened the Gamma World box set, I immediately fell in love. Within a day I was easily able to convince my Friday group to roll up characters and start playing. The character creation was hilarious and it actually got several players to start thinking outside of the box. For example, one player took a two-handed ranged weapon and decided that it was a psychic staff that could shoot psychic bolts. He was not using the 2-handed gun with the ammunition rules, so I said "sure!" and it was done!
The game ran well enough. Some players forgot that they add their whole Con score to 12 to determine their starting HP, and not just Con bonus. It made combat VERY scary at first, especially since the porker bodyguards they were fighting could easily do more that 12 damage in a single hit.
The next day Bill ran a mini adventure, and it continued the Gamma World fun.
I began to realize that as fun as the game was, it was lacking many things. It seriously lacked some long-term content. Characters level up very quickly, and with only 10 levels, a weekly campaign could be done in several months.
It was also very wahoo. I enjoy the mutant powers, mutant animals and mutant plants. I think toning down the sheer randomness could make it much less wahoo.
Fortunately, many others have experienced this too and have already made houserules! I'm going to paste the systems I like on here.