Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Old Dragonball Z RPG House Rules 6


Talents are an innate ability, (but not necessarily superhuman) that cannot be learned or taught, such as a bump of direction or the ability to see in the dark. Talents cannot be purchased (DM’s decision for certain Talents can be purchased) after character creation. The list of Talents below is a general one; which ones are available depends on each GM’s decisions about the campaign setting. Each one of these talents costs 3 points; if extra levels can be taken, each additional level costs 3 points. Some Talents provide bonus to a skill or stat; more of these talents may be created by the GM as appropriate for the campaign. If a set bonus is not listed, then use the chart below when a talent calls for ‘standard bonus steps’. Talents that have a level variable can range up to 5th level unless the GM decides otherwise. Unless otherwise noted, the bonus is +1 per level.

Talent Name Description
Acute Senses (X) One of your five senses (sight, sound, smell, touch, taste) is extremely acute. When using the specified sense, you will have a +3 bonus to Perception rolls. Each level of acute senses becomes one new scent, the bonus do not stack.

Ambidexterity You can use tools and weapons with either hand at no penalty (normally – 3 for using off-hand).

Animal Empathy Animals like you; they will never attack you unless provoked. You always seem to attract whatever animals are common to the area, and they will immediately gravitate to your side; although they may not necessarily do what you ask them to.

Beautiful/Handsome (X) You are extremely good looking; people will automatically stop and stare at you when pass, and you are generally surrounded by admirers, In addition, you automatically have a +1 bonus per level to your Mind skill for every level taken when dealing with social rolls.
Blind Reaction You can counterattack (in hand to hand only) with no negative modifiers for darkness or being obscured (-3), even if you can’t see or hear your opponent.

Breathing Regulation (X) This talent allows a character to hold their breath longer than the normal period of time. A normal human can hold their breath for six minutes. Each level allows you to hold your breath 5 minutes longer. For example, at level four you would be able to hold your breath for an extra 20 minutes.

Combat Sense (X) Your reflexes are keyed for danger; you automatically react faster to danger then anyone else. You add the bonus to your initiative.

Conditioned (X) You are in great shape! Add +10 to your Endurance stat for each level of this Talent.

Double Jointed You can bend your limbs and joints in impossible ways. You can fit into any space equal to half your height and width and it is impossible to tie you up or entangle you with a single rope; you can only be restrained using restraints like cuffs, shackles, or nets.

Hide Power Level Described in the DBZ: The Frieza Saga Book (pg. 81)

Immunity You are immune to the effects of one specific poison or disease group (must specify).

Light Sleeper You wake instantly from even the lightest touch or smallest sound (no check Mind check required).

Luck (X) A character with this talent has incredible luck. Each level of luck acts as a point pool to use on any skill roll (both combative and non-combative). You do not need to use the entire bonus on a single roll, but you can if you wish. You can use the points once each game. For example Blue has Luck at level 3, giving him a +3 bonus. He decides to use 1 point from his luck to add to his Evasion roll, giving him a +2 left. He then uses the other 2 on his Fighting roll when attacking his opponent. His total becomes a 0, and he can not use the points until the next game (or when the GM declares) at which point they are restored in full.

Martial Arts (X) For every level you purchase of Martial Arts, you gain 10 points to purchase Maneuvers from a specific Martial Arts list. Points can not be divided between two styles. When you gain this talent, your Power Level becomes [Physical + Mental + Combat + Move + Highest Martial Arts Value (or Weapon Value, whichever is greater)] x 2. However, if you have both Power Up and Martial Arts, use the following method: [Physical + Mental + Combat + Move + Highest Martial Arts Value (or Weapon Value, whichever is greater) + Power Value] x 5.

Dark Vision You can see in all but absolute darkness.

Power Up You had training to access your Ki. The new method to determine your Power Level becomes: [Physical + Mental + Combat + Move + Power Value] x 2. However, if you have both Power Up and Martial Arts, use the following method: [Physical + Mental + Combat + Move + Highest Martial Arts Value (or Weapon Value, whichever is greater) + Power Value] x 5.

Read Power Level Described in the DBZ: The Frieza Saga Book (pg. 81)

Resilient (X) Each level of this Talent adds to your Recovery stats, letting you bounce back from damage faster than normal.

Sense Power Level Described in the DBZ: The Frieza Saga Book (pg. 82)

Simulate Death You can lower your heart rate and breathing to such a low level that it is a Legendary Difficulty to tell whether you are dead or not.

Strong Willed (X) You are incredibly difficult to shake up mentally. Each level of this Talent adds to your Resistance.

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