Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Old Dragonball Z RPG House Rules 5


Basic Training

Experience for training each week
Light – 2 OP / 0 XP
Medium – 4 OP / 5 XP
Heavy – 6 OP / 10 XP
Intense – 8 OP / 15 XP
Hyper – See Below
Multiple Gravities – See Below
Hyper Training
Sometimes, you just don't have time to bleed. You need to get better, like way better, and this can be done like so: First decide how much time you want to reduce it to (i.e. 1/2, 1/4, 1/8). Then you need to see if your body can handle the new speed. Multiply the reciprocal by the base difficulty 10 (Example: if you wanted to take 1 day to complete what would be considered a week of training you would find the difficulty is 70, 10 X 7 = 70), you can power up to help. A good example of hyper training would be Goku's training on the way to Namek. How else could he have taken on the Ginyu Force when he couldn't handle Vegeta on Earth, unless you just want to go w/ bad story telling?
Endurance cost per day
Light - 4
Medium - 8
Heavy - 16
Intense – 32

Once your endurance reaches 0, skills that rely on physical movement become 0, and you’re Physical, Move and Combat stats function at half their normal score. You are EXAUSTED!
It requires 24 hours to restore 50% of your endurance when it reaches 0. Until the 24 hours have passed, you still act as if you were exhausted.

Endurance Cost in Combat
8/Round (2/phase)

Combat is very straining, both physically and emotionally. If your character is engaged in fighting he looses endurance points per phase. When your endurance reaches 0, you are exhausted (see above).
It is recommended that each character lose the 8 Endurance after each round. However, if the GM wants to, each player could instead subtract 2 endurance points per phase they fight in instead of the universal 8.

Training under Multiple Gravities

Difficulty for going to a new gravity from and old gravity
(New Gravity – Old Gravity)*5 = Modifier VS. Physical + Body + 3D6
A character must make a successful roll to be able to train under gravity when they first arrive in the. When you train for four weeks under a new gravity you no longer have to roll to sustain the gravity.
Example = Sneaker enters an area where the Gravity is 10Gs. He was used to 1G. When he first enters the area, he needs to make a DR 45, if he remains in the area and does not leave, he does not need to make another roll. If he leaves 10Gs and goes back to 1G, then RETURNS to 10Gs, he needs to re-roll the DR 45. You need to succeed in 4 rolls (4 weeks) to get used to the gravity. If Sneaker remained in the 10Gs from one week to the next, he automatically succeeds at the roll, since the New Gravity is 10Gs, and the Old Gravity is 1G (10-10)*5 = 0. The DR is 0.

Experience for training under multiple gravities
If you have been training under multiple gravities, take the gravity you have trained in for a month and multiply by 5. For example, if Sneaker trained under 10Gs for a month he would multiply 10 by 5, then he would get 50 experience points after training for a month.

Endurance Cost
(New Gravity – Old Gravity) = Modifier
Add the modifier to the standard Endurance cost, depending on the level of training.
For example, if a character goes from Gravity 1 to Gravity 10, they need to make a DC 45. Then, if they do light training, it costs 13 endurance per day ([10-1] + 4 = 13). Combat under extreme gravity is measured in the same way. So if the character were to fight in the area, they loose 17 endurance per round.

The Pendulum Room at Kami’s Lookout

The Pendulum room allows enormous amounts of time to pass in a single pendulum stroke. The best way to play this is for the GM to treat the entire event as an adventure (complete with training sessions, many battles and mondo challenges) that happens in a split second as the Pendulum swings. Sure the Pendulum Room is just a virtual/magical reality. But it’s real enough to those who dare to enter its secret sanctum, and worth at least a few hundred points.

Use Magical or other enhancements (like cybernetics or mutations)

These are freebies best left to the GM’s imagination. In general, they should be rewards for a tough battle or a critical adventure, and never be more than one or two hundred points.

Weighted Clothing
If you train in weighted clothing for at least a year of in-game time, your Combat, Physical, and Move skill level and Fighting value will automatically increase by 25% (round up) when it is removed (this affects your Power Level temporarily). However, you must immediately replace the clothing and continue to wear it as usual after the battle is over or lose the advantage it gives you.

Get zapped to the Other World and get Special Training with King Kai

This will get you a nifty 30 experience points a day! (This worked great for Goku, who few months of training was the equivalent of 1,000 years on Earth!). The draw backs are you have to get blasted out of this dimension (aka killed), talk King Yemma into letting you study under King Kai, travel Snake Way to get there, and then finally get someone to gather all the Dragon Balls together to wish you back to Earth. Sure, it’s 30 experience points a day, but you’re going to have to really work for them!

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